Money is such a big part of everyday life and is something we have to learn to use effectively. When you leave school, college or university you will have a full time job and will have to manage your money in a variety of ways. Knowing how financial matters work is a really important skill and many adults don’t know about the key areas that they need to spend their money on. Being financially healthy is just like your physical and mental health. People need to build good habits in order to keep in good health.
It’s really important to understand how money works and get into good habits with money so that you can make money work for you when you are older. This primary schools booklet is designed to teach you about 6 really important aspects of money
The Secondary Schools booklet is designed to teach you about 7 really important aspects of money and finance so that you understand and can build good habits. Helping you get a good start to being financially healthy in the future.
Check out both booklets below: